Bug to the nano
Tata Nano has truly scored on pricing & features. But if automotive history is anything to go by, it would need an exceptionally innovative advertising strategy to sustain In 1931, Dr. Porsche designed a small car in Stuttgart, Germany. Hitler had ordered the best cars to be made ready for the 1938 car exhibition in Berlin. He specified that the cars be small, inexpensive and fast – suitable for the new roads being built in Germany. It was exactly seven decades ago that the car appeared on German roads. This car was later on launched in America, which was recovering from the war and rebuilding its consumer society. This car from Germany, which looked like an orthopaedic boot designed by Hitler, could not have come to America at a worse time. No one wanted anything associated with Hitler. Then the pied piper of creativity appeared, and did miracles for the car. This man knew the people were ready & waiting for something to get excited about. Someone needed to show them how. He c...