Last month Wal-mart kicked off a reality television series for the web named ‘Get on the Shelf ‘. This series featured 20 finalists of Wal-mart’s contest by the same name. It’s aim being to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship and help some lucky ones get a break. The public was given 3 days to vote for their favorite entrepreneur .The winner of each episode , that is the one with the highest votes would then be allowed to sell his goods on Out of these winners the ‘grand winner’ would be the one who would get the maximum pre-orders on This grand winner would then get the opportunity to sell his product inside the Wal-Mart stores . It’s a dream for any brand, any businessman, to see their product on Wal-Mart store shelves, and this television series (for the web) will help someone’s this dream come true! The key point here is – the winner will be the one who can ‘sell’ the most. In entrepreurship this is the key element. It is also an element th...