New kids on the block

The new set of consumers is going to be very different from the old set that we as marketers have been used to; and hence reaching out to them is going to be different too. Look around you and you will see a generation that’s growing up in households with no landlines as everybody in the family and outside (even the vegetable vendor) has a mobile. This generation is growing up in schools where most projects and assignments are typed, so they don’t write much with pen and paper. This generation is growing up in a world where ‘instant’ is the buzzword – from food, to movies, to shopping –they want it instantly and they are actually getting it instantly too. This generation values its Internet connections more than anything else. It’s a whole new world, a whole new culture that is emerging. This generation is going to impact the world in a way no other generation has impacted; and it’s going to influence other people of other generations too. So it’s imperative that we as marketers unders...